Back on Track's MECCA program is a psycho-social model program that creates a foundation for clients to build a recovery program that they will be able to incorporate into their daily life. Our goal is to improve a resident's quality of life; by giving clients the ability to choose a recovery path that best suits them, they will be empowered to choose a life of long-term recovery.
Program Length: MECCA requires approximately 90 days to complete.
Program Outline:
1) Stabilization Period (2 weeks) - Clients are on a two-week restriction period during this period. This is a period where the client will be given an opportunity to rest, reflect and become comfortable in their new environment. During this period, they are required to complete three assignments. A "Last 90 days of Addiction" letter, a "Goodbye to Addiction" letter, and lastly, a "Goals for Recovery" letter.
2) Commitment to Recovery (1 week) - During this period, clients will meet with their recovery leader or case manager weekly to discuss how they are feeling and receive guidance. At Back on Track, it is our belief that by working with clients and providing an empathetic, supportive environment, clients will feel motivated to make a change. They will be required to set goals to make their stay a success.
3) MECCA (8 weeks) - During this period, clients will be required to attend an additional group workshop after our regular group therapy. Monday to Thursday from 1030am to 12 noon. It consists of multiple workshops that have been carefully selected and tailored toward creating a well-rounded realistic recovery plan that clients will be able to incorporate into their daily life. Facilitated by our talented team of leaders, the workshops create a supportive learning environment that requires clients to participate in group collaboration, written assignments, and life skills development to increase skills and self-awareness.
These workshops consist of:
- Strategies for Building Self-Esteem
- Making Healthy Choices
- Relapse Prevention Strategies
- Using the 12-Step Guide to Recovery
- SMART Recovery & CBT Therapy
- Family Relationships Strategies & Communication Skills
- Anger Management Strategies & Stress Management
4) Assessment, Action Planning & Referrals (1 week) - This is the final stage of the program, where clients will work with their recovery leader to create an action plan for what they would like to do next in their recovery. This program is not offered anywhere else and is offered in addition to all of our other great services.